Headed to Dragonsteel Con!

It's been a crazy week at Brotherwise HQ! What's been keeping the team busy?

  • Chris has been working closely with our global fulfillment partners to get Stormlight Premium Miniatures into everyone's hands.

  • Hayden has been working on development for new games by two of our favorite designers.

  • Johnny has been art directing the first pixel art for Super Boss Monster.

  • Jillian is promoting today's US release date of Empire's End and just launched the new Brotherwise website you're looking at right now!  

But the #1 reason we're working around the clock is to get ready for Dragonsteel Con in Salt Lake City next week! This convention unites thousands of Brandon Sanderson fans to celebrate the launch of his newest book, attend panels, and discuss the future of the Cosmere.

We have a packed schedule during the show, including several overlapping events:


  • 10-noon: Stormlight RPG Playtest

  • 11-noon: Miniatures Paint & Take

  • 11-noon: State of Games in the Cosmere

  • 1-3 pm: Stormlight RPG playtest

  • 3-7 pm: Epic Stormlight


  • 10 am - noon: Learn to play Call to Adventure

  • 10 am - 1 pm: Stormlight RPG Live Play

  • 11-noon: Miniatures Paint & Take

  • 2-3 pm: Miniatures Paint & Take

Most of these events are already sold out, but you can still make it to our two big panels! During our State of Games in the Cosmere panel on Monday, Johnny will be joined by Katie Payne and Isaac Stewart to talk about the art and design for the Stormlight RPG, announce our new deck-building game, and more! On Monday night the "Epic Stormlight" adventure isn't be an official Brotherwise event, but will use the official playtest rules for the Stormlight RPG. Over 100 players will gather for one giant adventure set a year before Way of Kings.

During the event, audience members will be encouraged to donate to the Lightweaver Foundation and the Intermountain Primary Children's Hospital. As we hit charity milestones, we'll reveal never-before-seen art from the RPG -- and shake up the game with some surprising spren activity!

For anyone who can't make it to the show, keep an eye on our social media for all the big announcements and reveals we make during the show. We'll also be recording the live play to share in the future. To those who will be there, we can't wait to see you!


Brotherwise reveals new projects at dragonsteel con 2023